A Comprehensive Analysis of Key Social Media Statistics Shaping 2024 Strategies


Ready to geek out on some 2024 stats that'll give our strategies the ultimate glow-up? Grab your coffee, find your comfy spot because we're about to chat numbers and turn them into pure social media gold!

1. Video Mania: It's the Real MVP

Guess what's ruling the internet? Videos, my friends! In 2023, a staggering 80% of internet traffic was all about videos. So, if your content isn't doing the happy dance, it's time to hit record and join the party.

2. InstaLove: Where the Visuals Do the Talking

Instagram – our visual playground, right? With over 1 billion monthly users, it's where visuals have the loudest voice. In 2023, a mind-boggling 95 million photos and videos were shared every single day. Talk about a visual fiesta!

3. Stories: Blink, and You've Connected

Stories are not just a trend; they're like the cool kids at the party. In 2023, the use of Stories shot up by 15%. Quick, engaging, and in-the-moment – the heartbeat of connection. Are your Stories stealing the spotlight?

4. Ephemeral Content: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Ephemeral content is not just a fancy term; it's a vibe. Users are all about content that doesn't stick around – 64% of marketers found success with the whole disappearing act. It's a blink-and-wow scenario, and we've got to keep up!

5. TikTok Talk: Dance to the Beat of 2.9 Billion Downloads

TikTok isn't just a trend; it's a global party. With 2.9 billion downloads, it's the new cool kid on the block. In 2023, it even gave Facebook a run for its downloads. Time to groove to the TikTok beat!

6. Chat It Up: Conversations are the New Black

Let's get down to business – conversational commerce is having its moment. A whopping 92% increase in businesses using messaging apps for customer love. From chatbots to personalized chats, let's turn those talks into dollars.

So, there you have it – the 2024 social media stats decoded in our kind of language. Ready to turn these digits into strategies that rock? Let's do this, social media rockstars!

Kylie Simao Social Media Coach

Hey there I’m Kylie Simao, owner of a boutique social media marketing agency dedicated to helping new, local and small businesses who want to promote themselves online using social media.