Instagram Explores Carousel Magic in Reels


Ready for a scoop on the latest from the Instagram labs? Well, hold onto your hashtags because we've got some interesting news.

So, guess what Instagram is tinkering with now? Carousel posts in Reels! Yep, you heard it right. It seems like Instagram and TikTok are in a perpetual game of "anything you can do, I can do too."

In this latest experiment, Instagram is giving some users the power to pack multiple videos and images into a single Reels post. Think of it as a slideshow of content goodness right in your Reels stream.

Picture this: Soon, you'll be able to unleash a barrage of frames in one Reel, much like TikTok lets you flex with still images in the main feed.

Why does this matter? Well, buckle up for the potential creative explosion! Carousel posts mean more room for storytelling, more space to showcase your products, and more ways to dazzle your audience in the Reels universe.

Considering that Reels is the hotshot in Meta's content arsenal, it's no surprise they're experimenting with different ways to make it even cooler.

No official word on when this carousel fiesta will roll out to everyone, but the sneak peeks show a slick UI, and some brands are already playing around with it. So, get ready to spin your content game to the next level when this feature drops for the masses. Exciting times ahead!

Kylie Simao Social Media Coach

Hey there I’m Kylie Simao, owner of a boutique social media marketing agency dedicated to helping new, local and small businesses who want to promote themselves online using social media.