Lights Out, Teens! Instagram's Nighttime Nudges Are Here


Guess what Instagram just rolled out? Nighttime nudges! Yeah, you heard it right. It's like the digital version of your mom knocking on your door, giving you the universal signal to shut down and call it a night.

You know how it is, especially with teens and their phones. It's like a magnetic force – you try to keep it away, and it somehow finds its way back into their hands, especially after bedtime.

Instagram's latest move is like that friendly reminder to turn off your computer after a long day of work, but now it's geared towards making sure teens get their beauty sleep. We've all been there – the struggle of convincing a teen to part with their phone for the night. It's no small feat.

Sure, it might not be as effective as the classic parental threat of, "I'll take that phone away if you don't listen," but hey, it's a step. In the grand scheme of Instagram's efforts to make the platform safer for teens, these nighttime nudges are just another tool in the toolbox.

Will it work? Well, that's the million-dollar question. Teens can be surprisingly resilient when it comes to bedtime and texting. But hey, kudos to Instagram for trying to help out. Maybe, just maybe, a few extra z's for the teens will come out of this digital bedtime reminder.

Kylie Simao Social Media Coach

Hey there I’m Kylie Simao, owner of a boutique social media marketing agency dedicated to helping new, local and small businesses who want to promote themselves online using social media.