Triple your Instagram engagement using this simple strategy How to triple your Instagram engagement with this simple trick.

When I first started using Instagram I wasn’t really worried about how many likes I got or whether or not I even knew what a hashtag was. I saw it only as a creative outlet where I could share the world from my point of view. Soon enough Instagram became all about how many followers you had, kind of like a popularity contest. People forgot all about the interesting images and connecting with their friends. Fast forward a few years and not only have people figured out how to use the platform for business purposes, they’re also finally coming to realize that engagement with your audience is far more important than follower count.

Let’s face it, the whole point of using Instagram for business is to get people to see your posts, to let the masses know who you are, what you have to offer and ultimately get them to buy whatever it is you’re selling. This could be a service, a product or even a lifestyle. So the big question is, how do you get people to interact with you in a sea of 800 million Instagram users? What can you do to make sure that people are seeing your posts and then commenting or double tapping?

Today, I’m sharing a very simple strategy which has tripled, sometimes even quadrupled my engagement and can work for you too. If you’re looking to increase your engagement, keep reading. || How to triple your Instagram engagement with this simple trick

Before I get into it, let's get clear on what I’m not talking about. I’m not talking about editing your photos with the best filters and apps. I’m not talking about crafting the perfect caption that forces your audience to engage. And I’m not talking about which hashtags are the “right” hashtags for your post. Those are all valuable and have their place but what I’m talking about comes after the post. Alright, here we go, no beating around the bush. It’s time for that simple strategy I told you about earlier

So go ahead, post your image, get your hashtags on there and then follow these 4 simple instructions. 

  1. CLICK on one of the hashtags in your post.

  2. CLICK the “Recent” tab of that hashtag.  

  3. LIKE and COMMENT on the 10 most recent photos for that particular hashtag.

  4. REPEAT this process for each of the hashtags being used for your post.

  5. Repeat this process 2-3 times throughout the day to get even more engagement.

I told you it was simple.

The reason this works so well is because Instagram moves pretty quickly which makes this is a win win situation for all parties involved. By liking and commenting on the most recent posts within a hashtag you’re helping others boost their engagement and they in turn will return the favor and help boost your engagement, it’s that simple.

EXTRA CREDIT: Getting great post engagement is super important and if you really want to get the most out of your Instagram you’ll also want to do an audit every 6-12 months to ensure that your purpose and brand message are coming through strong. Here’s a post to help you do just that: How to Perform an Instagram Audit in 3 Easy Steps.

 There you have it friends, a simple strategy to help boost your engagement on Instagram and probably gain some new followers while you’re at it. So try it out and let me know how it works for you.

If you’ve found this post helpful please share it with someone who’s trying to take their Instagram to the next level

Safe travels until we meet again,

safe travels till we meet again || email signature ||

Kylie Simao Social Media Coach

Hi I’m Kylie and I’m here to help you rock your social media!