Meta Switches Up AI Labels to ‘AI Info’ Tag


Alright, so Meta’s giving their “Made with AI” labels a little facelift to clear up some confusion. You know, the ones that show up on Facebook and Instagram? People were getting pretty miffed about their photos being tagged as “Made with AI” when they’d just used a touch of digital magic.

So, what’s Meta doing? They’re swapping out “Made with AI” for a more chill “AI Info” tag. Here’s the scoop: when Meta’s system picks up on AI tools being used in an image—or if users say they’ve used them—you’ll now see an “AI Info” note. Tap on it, and you’ll get a rundown of how AI might’ve been involved in making the image.

According to Meta, they found that their old labels weren’t quite hitting the mark with people. Sometimes, even minor tweaks using AI, like a bit of retouching, would get the “Made with AI” label. Meta’s been chatting with other companies to figure out a better approach, and in the meantime, they’re updating the label to “AI Info” across their apps. You can click on this for more info, giving you a clearer picture of what’s really going on with the AI side of things.

This tweak is a big deal for artists and photographers, too. Imagine getting tagged as using AI for your art when you haven’t—it’s sparked some pretty heated comment sections. Now, with this change, creators won’t have to defend their work as much.

It’s all part of the growing pains of the AI era, right? Figuring out what’s real and what’s AI-made is getting trickier. There’s a lot of debate about the value of AI-generated art versus human-made, but as AI tools get better, the line might just blur more.

For now, though, this update helps clarify the actual role of AI in creating visual content, which is super important as we navigate this new landscape.

Kylie Simao Social Media Coach

Hey there I’m Kylie Simao, owner of a boutique social media marketing agency dedicated to helping new, local and small businesses who want to promote themselves online using social media.